Soothes & Appeases the Irritated Gastric Lining
COMPOSITION: Sucralfate 1gm + Oxetacaine BP 20mg
Drug Class: Protectants.
- Sucralfate, a complex salt of sucrose sulfate and aluminum hydroxide, contributes to mucosal protection by several different actions.
- It provides a physical barrier to block the diffusion of acid, pepsin, and bile acids across esophageal mucosa and attenuate the erosive injury of acid and alkali.
- The potential benefits of sucralfate include mucosa repair and ulcer healing.
- Sucralfate shows its efficacy in improving reflux symptoms in patients with reflux esophagitis and NERD patients.
- Like antacids and alginate, sucralfate has a limited role in the healing of erosive esophagitis and is usually considered an add-on therapy for GERD treatment.
Drug Class: Anesthetic antacids
- A potent local anesthetic agent, exceeding by far the potency of either cocaine, procaine, lidocaine, or dibucaine.
- It acts by producing a reversible loss of sensation by preventing or diminishing the conduction of sensory nerve impulses near the site of its application.
- Unlike other local anesthetic compounds, it is chemically a glycine amide instead of benzoate or aminobenzoate and does not break down under strongly acidic conditions.
- Alleviates pain associated with peptic ulcer disease or esophagitis; relieves the symptoms of hyperacidity problems by increasing pH and neutralizing the gastric acid in the stomach.
- Oxethazaine produces antispasmodic action on smooth muscle and blocks the action of serotonin on smooth muscle.