Trust Winning Combination in the Treatment of Typhoid

COMPOSITION: Cefixime 200 mg + Ofloxacin 200 mg



COMPOSITION: Cefixime 200 mg + Ofloxacin 200 mg

  • Both drugs are W.H.O approved for the treatment of typhoid fever.
  • Unmatched safety and clinical efficacy with dual attack on E.coli and S.typhi.
  • Ideal combination for typhoid fever with efficient clinical efficacy and minimal rate of re-occurrence.

Cefixime (Cephalosporin antibiotics)

  • Effective and safe in treating urinary tract infections.
  • Effective in treatment of uncomplicated typhoid fever in children.
  • Oral administration is a safe and effective alternative treatment to other antibiotics in eradicating infections.

Ofloxacin (Fluoroquinolones)

  • Safe and effective for children with uncomplicated multi-drug-resistant typhoid fever.
  • Having established efficacy in the treatment of a wide variety of urinary tract infections.
  • An effective antibacterial having activity against a wide range of bacterial pathogens.


  • Cefixime-ofloxacin combination is approved by Indian Regulatory Authority and has a good body of clinical evidence in the current Indian context.