BILAFAST-20 Tablet

For Rapid Resolution of Cold & Allergies

COMPOSITION: Bilastine 20 mg



Drug Class: H1-antihistamine

  • Bilastine is an effective second-generation H1-antihistamine with no sedative side effects, no cardiotoxic effects, and no hepatic metabolism.
  • Its absorption is fast, linear, and dose-proportional; safe and well tolerated at all dose levels in healthy the population.
  • Treats allergic rhinitis with greater efficacy than placebo and is comparable to cetirizine and desloratadine.
  • Equivalent to levocetirizine in chronic urticaria, relieving symptoms, improving quality of life, and controlling sleep disorders.
  • Bilastine has demonstrated a good safety profile, without serious adverse effects or antimuscarinic effects in clinical trials.