GLITRAC-M (Glibenclamide 5mg + Metformin HCI 500mg): Uses, MOA, Benefits, and Recommended Dosage

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GLITRAC-M: Glibenclamide 5 mg + Metformin HCI 500 mg


GLITRAC-M Tablets, a dynamic combination of Glibenclamide 5 mg and Metformin HCI 500 mg, herald a new era in diabetes management. Developed by Invision Medi Sciences, these tablets offer a potent solution for individuals grappling with the challenges of diabetes.

Mechanism of Action (MOA):

GLITRAC-M Tablets work through a dual mechanism to regulate blood sugar levels effectively. Glibenclamide stimulates insulin release from pancreatic beta cells, while Metformin improves insulin sensitivity and reduces glucose production in the liver, resulting in balanced glucose levels.

Uses and Benefits:

GLITRAC-M Tablets provide multifaceted benefits in diabetes care. They help lower blood sugar levels, enhance insulin sensitivity, and minimize the risk of diabetes-related complications. Additionally, the combination of Glibenclamide and Metformin offers synergistic effects, optimizing glycemic control.

Recommended Dosage:

The recommended dosage of GLITRAC-M Tablets should be determined by healthcare professionals based on individual patient needs and response to treatment. It is typically initiated at a low dose and adjusted gradually to achieve optimal glycemic control while minimizing side effects.

Potential Side Effects:

While GLITRAC-M Tablets offer significant benefits, they may also be associated with certain side effects. Common adverse effects may include gastrointestinal discomfort, hypoglycemia, and allergic reactions. It’s essential to monitor for these side effects and report any concerns to a healthcare provider promptly.


With GLITRAC-M Tablets, Invision Medi Sciences reaffirms its commitment to providing innovative solutions for diabetes management. By combining the proven benefits of Glibenclamide and Metformin, these tablets offer a comprehensive approach to controlling blood sugar levels and improving overall health.

Related Combinations:

Explore our comprehensive range of diabetes management solutions at Invision Medi Sciences.

Empower Your Diabetes Journey with GLITRAC-M: Balanced Blood Sugar, Enhanced Well-being


What is the recommended dosage for GLITRAC-M Tablets?

The recommended dosage of GLITRAC-M Tablets should be determined by a healthcare professional based on individual patient factors, such as medical history and response to treatment. It’s crucial to follow the prescribed dosage regimen for optimal results.

How do Glibenclamide and Metformin work together in GLITRAC-M Tablets?

Glibenclamide stimulates insulin release from pancreatic beta cells, while Metformin improves insulin sensitivity and reduces glucose production in the liver. Together, they help regulate blood sugar levels effectively, offering synergistic benefits in diabetes management.

Are there any dietary restrictions while taking GLITRAC-M Tablets?

While there are no specific dietary restrictions associated with GLITRAC-M Tablets, it’s essential to maintain a balanced diet and avoid excessive consumption of sugary or high-carbohydrate foods. Consulting a healthcare provider or a dietitian for personalized dietary recommendations is advisable.

What should I do if I miss a dose of GLITRAC-M Tablets?

If you miss a dose of GLITRAC-M Tablets, take it as soon as you remember, unless it’s close to the time for your next scheduled dose. In that case, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular dosing schedule. Do not double up on doses to make up for a missed one.

Can GLITRAC-M Tablets be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women?

GLITRAC-M Tablets should be used with caution in pregnant or breastfeeding women, and the decision to use them should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider. It’s essential to weigh the potential benefits against the risks and consider alternative treatment options when possible.

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